Rife Global Wellness G+ Rife BioSolutions + Energy Wellness Detox Box...
If your Rife Machine is malfunctioning and you need support: Call 732-684-7910

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If your Rife Machine is malfunctioning and you need support: Call 732-684-7910
I will do whatever I can to help you repair your Rife machine. If your unit is ten years or older, It may be a simple fix. But most of the time, the screen and components in the board have lived out their life span and will stop working.
The best decision you made was when you purchased your Micro Frequency Device. As well as I, the cost of your Unit is a small price to pay for the benefits you received.
As I mentioned, I will do my best to keep your unit up and running. If your Rife machine can't be repaired, I would recommend replacing it with a
The NEW 2024 Rife Machine BELOW with a 2-year warranty
To discuss your options, Call Michael @ 732-684-7910
Retail $2195 * NOW $1995
A Limited Time Offer
for the New 2024 Rife Machine
with an Updated Board, Screen & Accessories.
* 2 Manuals * Conductive Carbon Foot Pads
* Stainless Steel Cylinders -* 2 Pair of Cables
* Stick-On Pads with Adapters
2 Year Warranty with Tech Support
$1995 Without Quartz Crystal Generators
(Quartz Crystals Retail $250)
Add $150 for Quartz Crystals and Save $100
$2145 With Quartz Crystal Generators
Quartz Crystal Generators broadcast frequencies without the restriction of holding the Metal Cylinder/Pads and Broadcasting up to 15ft.
The devices and information on this website are for educational purposes only and do not intend to diagnose, treat, or cure any health conditions. The statements mentioned are not intended to replace the advice of a licensed medical professional and do not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. Users need to consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalized medical advice and treatment.